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The 21/90 rule for building habits and lifestyles

21/90 rule means 21 days to build a new habit, and 90 days to make it a permanent part of your lifestyle.

Establishing lasting change in our lives can be a daunting task, but the 21/90 rule offers a proven framework for achieving lasting transformation. This powerful principle states that it takes just 21 days to build a new habit, and 90 days to make it a permanent part of your lifestyle.

Whether you're seeking to improve your health, boost your productivity, or cultivate a new skill, the 21/90 rule provides a clear roadmap for success. By breaking down the process into manageable steps, this approach empowers individuals to take control of their lives and create the changes they desire.

What is the 21/90 rule?

It is a widely known principle that suggests it takes 21 days to build a new habit, and 90 days to turn it into a lifestyle. This concept is based on the idea that repetition and consistency are key to transforming temporary behaviors into long-lasting routines. It provides a structured approach to developing and sustaining positive changes in one's life, whether it's a new fitness regimen, a healthier eating habit, or a productivity-boosting practice.

At its core, the 21/90 rule acknowledges that while it may be relatively easy to introduce a new habit, maintaining it over the long term can be a greater challenge. By breaking down the process into two distinct phases, the initial 21 days of building the habit, and the subsequent 90 days of solidifying it, the 21/90 rule offers a systematic framework for individuals to create lasting change in their lives.

This simple yet powerful concept has been widely adopted by personal development experts, life coaches, and individuals seeking to transform their lives through the power of habit formation. By understanding and applying the 21/90 rule, people can effectively break free from negative patterns and cultivate positive, life-enhancing behaviors that become an integral part of their daily routines.


The 21/90 rule acknowledges that while it may be relatively easy to introduce a new habit, maintaining it over the long term can be a greater challenge to truly embed it into your lifestyle

The Science behind the 21/90 rule

It is grounded in scientific research on attitude formation and behavioral psychology. According to studies, it takes approximately 21 days to form a new attitude, while it takes around 90 days to truly embed it into your lifestyle and make it a sustainable part of your daily routine.

The initial 21-day period is critical for establishing a new behavior as your brain starts to create neural pathways and associations that reinforce the attitude. During this time, it's important to be consistent and unwavering in your commitment, as your brain is still getting accustomed to the new pattern.

After the first 3 weeks, the behavior  becomes more ingrained, but it still requires conscious effort and discipline to maintain. The remaining 2-3 months are essential for transforming the behavior  into a deeply rooted lifestyle change. As you consistently practice the new behavior, it becomes increasingly automatic and effortless, requiring less mental energy and willpower to sustain.

Applying the 21/90 rule to Your Life

The 21/90 rule is a powerful framework that can help you build lasting manners and transform your lifestyle. It's all about leveraging the science of manner formation to create meaningful, sustainable change in your life. The key is to approach it with a strategic, step-by-step mindset, breaking down your goals into manageable chunks and celebrating your progress along the way.

The first step is to identify your goal - what is the lifestyle change you want to achieve? Whether it's exercising regularly, eating healthier, or developing a new skill, it's important to have a clear, specific vision in mind. This will serve as your North Star as you embark on your 21/90 journey.

Next, you'll need to commit to 21 days of consistent, unwavering effort. This initial 3-week period is crucial for building the neural pathways and behavioral patterns that will support your new habit. During this time, it's important to stay focused, overcome any obstacles, and consistently take action, even on the days when you don't feel like it.

After the initial 21 days, the real challenge begins - sustaining the habit for 90 days. This is where the 21/90 rule really shines, as it encourages you to shift your mindset from a short-term "challenge" to a long-term "lifestyle." By keeping your eye on the 90-day prize, you'll be better equipped to navigate setbacks, stay motivated, and turn your new attitude into an ingrained part of your daily routine.

Step 1 Identify your goal

A- Reflect on your aspirations

The first step in applying is to take the time to reflect on your personal aspirations and goals. What is it that you truly want to achieve? Whether it's improving your fitness, developing a new skill, or cultivating a positive attitude, identifying your end-goal will provide the necessary focus and motivation to see the journey through.

B- Get specific

Once you've identified your overarching goal, it's important to get specific. Break down your goal into measurable, achievable steps. This will not only help you track your progress but also make the process feel more manageable. For example, if your goal is to run a 10K, you might start by committing to running three times a week for 30 minutes each session.

C- Align with your values

When setting your goal, it's crucial to ensure that it aligns with your personal values and beliefs. This will help you maintain motivation and stay committed to the process, even when faced with challenges. Ask yourself why this goal is important to you and how it fits into your overall vision for your life.

D- Identify

Clearly define your goal.

E- Commit

Dedicate 21 days to your new demeanor.

F- Execute

Consistently take action every day.


Applying the 21/90 rule to Your Life by identifying your goal

 The step 2

The second step is the critical 21-day commitment. This is the phase where you take your identified goal and turn it into an ingrained demeanor. It's important to be specific about what your new demeanor will be and how you will incorporate it into your daily routine.

During this 21-day period, you must be disciplined and follow through with your new conduct every single day, no exceptions. It may be challenging at first, but pushing through this initial 3-week period is essential for making the conduct stick. Celebrate small wins along the way, and don't be discouraged if it feels difficult at times, this is all part of the process.

Step 3 Sustain the conduct for 90 days

A- Consistency is key

After establishing your new behavior over the first 21 days, the next step is to sustain it for the remaining 90 days. Consistency is crucial during this phase. It's important to make your attitude a daily practice, even on days when you don't feel like it. Stick to a routine and don't let distractions or excuses get in the way.

B- Tracking Progress

Throughout the 90-day period, continue to track your progress. This will help you stay motivated and accountable. You can use an attitude tracker app, a physical journal, or simply mark off each day on a calendar. Don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up occasionally. The key is to get back on track and keep moving forward.

C- Adapting and adjusting

As you move through the 90-day period, be prepared to adapt and adjust your demeanor as needed. Your circumstances, needs, or preferences may change, and it's important to be flexible. Don't be afraid to tweak your demeanor or find new ways to make it sustainable. The goal is to turn this demeanor into a lasting lifestyle change, so be willing to experiment and find what works best for you.


Sustain the conduct for 90 days by tracking progress  use an attitude tracker app, a physical journal, or simply mark off each day on a calendar.

 Overcoming challenges during journey

Building a new lifestyle can be a rewarding but challenging journey. As you commit to the 21/90 rule, you may encounter various obstacles that test your determination and resilience. However, with the right mindset and strategies, you can overcome these challenges and stay on track towards your goals.

  1. Lack of motivation: It's natural to experience dips in motivation, especially in the early stages of behavior formation. To overcome this, set smaller, achievable milestones and celebrate your progress along the way. Remind yourself of the long-term benefits of your new behavior and how it aligns with your values and aspirations.
  2. Time management: Fitting a new manner into your daily routine can be challenging. Identify areas in your schedule where you can incorporate your manner and make it a priority. Experiment with different time slots and find the one that works best for you.
  3. Unexpected setbacks: Life can throw curveballs, and unexpected events can disrupt your routine. When this happens, don't be too hard on yourself. Adapt your plan, adjust your expectations, and get back on track as soon as possible. 
  4. Temptations and distractions: Habits can be fragile, especially in the face of temptations and distractions. Identify your triggers and develop strategies to minimize their impact. Surround yourself with supportive people and environments that reinforce your new demeanor.

Overcoming challenges during journey like, lack of motivation, time management, unexpected setbacks and temptations and distractions  

Tracking your progress and celebrating milestones

1- Measure your progress

Regularly tracking your progress is crucial to ensuring you stay on track. This could involve keeping a daily journal, using a habit tracking app, or simply checking in with yourself at the end of each week. Measure your progress against the specific goals you set for yourself, and be honest about any setbacks or challenges you face.

2- Celebrate small wins

Don't wait until you've reached your final goal to celebrate. Acknowledge and celebrate the small milestones along the way, such as completing your 21-day habit streak or reaching the halfway point of your 90-day challenge. Doing so will help keep you motivated and reinforce the positive changes you're making.

3- Share Your Journey

Consider sharing your journey with friends, family, or an online community. Not only can this help hold you accountable, but it can also inspire others and create a sense of community around your goal. Share your successes, challenges, and lessons learned, and don't be afraid to ask for support when you need it.


Measure your progress against the specific goals you set for yourself and celebrate the small milestones. Share your successes, challenges, and lessons learned, and don't be afraid to ask for support when you need it.

Turning habits into a lifestyle: The power of the 21/90 rule

The true power lies in its ability to transform your habits into a sustainable lifestyle. By consistently practicing a new conduct for 21 days, you can embed it into your daily routine. But the real magic happens when you continue that conduct for an additional 90 days. This extended commitment solidifies the behavior, allowing it to become an integral part of your everyday life.

Once you've reached the 90-day milestone, the manner you've cultivated will feel natural and effortless. It's no longer a chore or something you have to consciously think about - it's simply who you are. This is the true power of the 21/90 rule: it empowers you to create lasting change and become the best version of yourself. Whether your goal is to exercise regularly, eat healthier, or develop a new skill, it provides a roadmap for turning your aspirations into a permanent lifestyle.

The key is to stay focused, persistent, and patient throughout the process. There will undoubtedly be challenges and setbacks along the way, but by maintaining your commitment and celebrating small wins, you can overcome any obstacle. It is not a quick fix or a magic solution, but rather a proven framework for building the habits and lifestyles that will serve you for years to come.


-21/90 rule in progress book
