القائمة الرئيسية



Pomegranate the ruby red  


Pomegranate is a sweet and tart fruit with a thick, red skin. Although the rind is inedible, it contains hundreds of delicious seeds that you can easily eat or sprinkle on salads, oatmeal, hummus, and other dishes. 

Pomegranate is a sweet and tart fruit with a thick, red skin. Although the rind is inedible, it contains hundreds of delicious seeds that you can easily eat or sprinkle on salads, oatmeal, hummus, and other dishes. People have enjoyed it since ancient times for their health benefits.

Recent research has found that antioxidants in it can help protect the heart. The anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties of it may have promising uses in cancer treatment and prevention.

The most common way to enjoy a pomegranate is to open it and peel off the peel to reveal the edible seeds and juice sacs. Pomegranates grow on tall shrubs, and these shrubs need sufficient heat for these delicious fruits to grow and ripen.


Nutritional benefits

Fresh one is a source of fiber, which can promote weight loss, lower cholesterol, and relieve constipation. Nutrients in a medium-sized pomegranate:

• Calories: 234

• Protein: 4.7 grams 

• Fat: 3.3 grams

• Carbohydrates: 52 grams

• Fiber: 11.3 grams

• Vitamin C: 32% of the daily value

• Folic acid: 27% of the daily value

• Magnesium: 8% of the daily value

• Phosphorus: 8% of the daily value

• Potassium: 13% of the daily value

Some pomegranate-flavored drinks contain more calories because they contain more sugar than regular pomegranate juice. To get the health benefits of it without the extra calories, look for bottles labeled “100% juice” or prepare it at home.

Some pomegranate-flavored drinks contain more calories because they contain more sugar than regular pomegranate juice. To get the health benefits of it without the extra calories, look for bottles labeled “100% juice” or prepare it at home.

Health benefits

1- Rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants they are compounds that help protect the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals. Large amounts of free radicals can be harmful and contribute to a number of chronic diseases.

Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids. Obtaining antioxidants from fruits such as pomegranates is an easy and inexpensive way to support overall health and prevent disease.

2- It helps prevent inflammation

Chronic inflammation can lead to many diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Eating pomegranates may help prevent inflammation associated with these chronic conditions. This is largely due to compounds called punicalagin which have been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Drinking pomegranate juice can reduce signs of inflammation. It contain up to three times as many antioxidants as green tea. Antioxidants protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals and reduce inflammation.

3- Reduced risk of cancer

It is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, both of which help prevent free radicals from damaging your cells. In some early studies, pomegranates have shown the ability to help prevent prostate, breast, lung and colon cancer.

Recent studies conducted on animals have shown that eating it may help prevent the growth of lung, skin, colon, and prostate tumors and slow tumor growth in the early stages of liver cancer.

4- Antimicrobial

Pomegranate may help fight harmful microorganisms. For example, it may protect oral health by reducing the growth of germs that can contribute to bad breath and tooth decay.

Health benefits of Pomegranate
1-Rich in antioxidants
2-It helps prevent inflammation
3-Reduced risk of cancer

5- Beneficial for the brain

It contains antioxidants called ellagitannin, which helps reduce inflammation in the body. Some studies have found that ellagitannin may help protect the brain from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease by reducing oxidative damage and protecting brain cells from damage. 

It is believed that ellagitannin produces a compound in the intestines called urolithin A, which has been studied for its ability to reduce inflammation in the brain and delay the onset of cognitive diseases.

 6- Supports digestive health

Eating it may help support the health of your gut microbiome, which plays a major role in many aspects of health. It can increase levels of beneficial gut bacteria, suggesting it may have an effect on probiotics.

Working probiotics fuels the beneficial bacteria in your gut and supports a healthy gut microbiome. In addition, it is rich in fiber, which is necessary for a healthy digestive system and may protect against some diseases.

7- Pomegranate can help protect your heart

It works to lower blood pressure as well as blood sugar levels. It contains polyphenol compounds called punicalagin or ellagitannin. These antioxidants help prevent thickening of artery walls and reduce the buildup of cholesterol and fatty deposits called plaques.

Atherosclerosis, the buildup of cholesterol and fat in the arteries, is a common cause of heart disease. Pomegranate juice contains high amounts of plant pigments called anthocyanins and anthoxanthins, which support heart health.

Pomegranate juice helps reduce harmful cholesterol, or LDL , which clogs the arteries. It can also increase good cholesterol, or HDL , which reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

8- Controlling diabetes

Early studies indicated that people with type 2 diabetes who started drinking pomegranate juice showed improvements in insulin resistance, but more research is needed to confirm these findings.

                         people with type 2 diabetes who started drinking pomegranate juice showed improvements in insulin resistance, but more research is needed to confirm these findings.
